We are happy to announce Torill Elvira Mortensen as our third keynote speaker!

Torill Elvira Mortensen has studied games since the mid nineties, with her first publication on the topic in 1996, followed by a Doctor art. from Bergen University on text-based multi-user games in 2003. She has worked at Volda University College in Norway, the IT University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and is currently professor at Nord University, Bodø, Norway. Her research has been on social media use, game play and use, and transgressive game aesthetics and culture. Her current work focuses on how online communication relies on a feeling of belonging and identification rather than on geographical or formal community markers. Mortensen’s main publications are Perceiving play: the art and study of computer games (2009), The dark side of gameplay: Controversial issues in playful environments (Mortensen, Linderoth and Brown, eds., 2015), and The paradox of transgression in games (Mortensen and Jørgensen 2020).

Find more information on her, her keynote, and our other keynotes here.